You Known 7 Things to Consider before Renovating your Home

7 Things to Consider before Renovating your Home: If your home hasn’t been remodeled in the last ten years or more, it probably looks quite worn out and outdated. The house may have been state-of-the-art when it was bought, but all the patchwork over the years might have rendered it unsightly. When your living space doesn’t feel like home anymore, consider it time to undergo a major change. You either renovate your house to make it livable again, or move out and find another place that makes you feel warm inside. If your home was built more than twenty years ago, it is safe to call it an old house; if 50 years or beyond have passed, your abode is officially ancient.

Old-fashioned houses do have their charm and appeal, as long as the residents are able to maintain its original glory. Wear and tear of decades can leave the most luxurious of mansions look like haunted manors.


1. Why am I renovating?

Before you start visualizing a concept for renovation and commit to the idea, ask yourself why? Are you considering a renovation to increase your property’s resale value? Are you planning to move out and turn it into a rental property? A house that you bought ages ago might no longer be compatible with your current needs. Your family may have grown or perhaps you are planning to expand it. If you have decided to move, it is understandable that you need to make the house presentable for those who will purchase or rent out your property.

If you want to renovate for the next inhabitants, the adjustments will mostly be cosmetic, unless the house has serious structural issues. On the other hand, if you are emotionally attached to the house and plan to hold onto it till the end, your motivations would be entirely different. You want to make your home as durable and comforting as possible; the time and cost would not be an issue here.

2. What is the purpose and scale of this renovation project?

Does your real estate suffer from structural problems, or is it merely shabby on the surface? If the wood is rotting, roof is leaking, floors are shifting, and you have spotted bug infestation, fixing all that and more is not going to be cheap. Plumbing and electric issues are not that easy to repair either. Is the whole house falling apart, or you are only looking to modernize part of it? Many homeowners only update the kitchen and bathrooms of the house to enhance its habitability. The point is that you must predetermine all the work that needs to be done. Do you want to transform the outdated house, or do you want to restore it by repairing the damages?

In my opinion, a complete remodel is rarely practical or affordable. You should preserve original aspects of your home, whilst adding some contemporary elements. However, make sure that the old stuff or designs you keep do not clash with the fresh additions.

3. What’s my budget?

At the end of the day, it all comes down to your budget. You may desire extravagant or fancy modifications, which is only plausible if you have enough money. Spending too much on a house you are going to sell or rent out is not advised. The renovation may improve the property’s market value, but the total cost will surpass the profit. Therefore, it is better to sell the house a bit cheaper and let the new residents handle the repair and replacements required.

If you are renovating the house for yourself, you can splurge a little, as long as your actions do lot lead you to file bankruptcy. If you start your project without establishing a budget, you can easily go overboard and make costly mistakes.

4. Do I have the skills for a DIY project?

If all you need is a fresh coat of paint and replacement of old furniture, you may be able to pull it off without the intervention of a professional. You can also restore the luster of your woodwork with some stain/paint and polish. Dull looking floors can also be rejuvenated with some deep cleaning and polishing. Changing home fixtures, such as light switches, door knobs, and cupboard/drawer handles is quick fix to modernize your house. You could also change up the lighting, update furniture upholstery, and swap old appliances.

If the house has structural issues, such as a leaky roof and faulty wiring, do not attempt a DIY fix. You need to call in a professional or licensed contractor to get the job done. Do not mess with the plumbing, unless you are a plumber by profession. Do not try to take charge of power problems, unless you are a trained electrician. If you don’t have the skill, the DIY project might take your life instead of saving you money.

5. Do I have a plan?

Enlist all the things you want from this renovation, and decide what comes first. Do you want to redo every room, or is that unnecessary? For example, you may have renovated part of the house earlier and wish to remodel the remaining to eliminate the noticeable haphazardness. Always note down your ideas and even add sketches to rationalize your vision. You may need to hire an architect and interior designer for an extreme or highly sophisticated makeover.

6. What is the estimated timeline?

Home renovation can take days, weeks, or months, depending on the extent of repairs and modifications. You will need to have an elaborate discussion with your contractor before you make assumptions. Note to self that the work will probably take longer than promised by the contractor. Moreover, you might need to amend the plan along the way, which could potentially magnify the timeline. The renovation should not be rushed because mistakes and errors will lead to further delay and expenses.

7. Where will everybody live in the meantime?

If you have planned to renovate the whole house and it is going to take at least a few weeks, you need an alternative living arrangement. Staying in a house that is undergoing a structural and cosmetic overhaul can be dangerous, especially for pets and children. You may rent out a place nearby or live with a relative/friend if they are willing to accommodate you.

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Author Bio

John Adamsis a lifestyle blogger who loves sharing his personal opinions and experiences. He enjoys travelling for the love of nature and wildlife. Time spent at home with his pets is equally cherished, and they inspire a lot of his writing.

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